We offer many payment methods.
In-House Financing
Peters Family Living is pleased to offer a COMPLETE CREDIT DEPARTMENT to our friends and customers in the Arkansas River Valley. Peters provides furniture, appliances and television purchases with our famous instant In-House Financing which makes it as easy as possible to buy from us. No credit application will be refused. Try us and see for yourself!
We carry our In-House credit accounts ourselves which means there is no third party involved. This is true IN-STORE financing! It doesn't take long to complete a credit sale, and our interest rate is low. Plus, no credit application is refused.
If you are interested in our in-house financing, please fill out the form below.
Featuring Synchrony Financial
Another option is the Arkansas Furniture Association Synchrony Financial Program. With approved credit, our customers can make purchases with nothing down and take years to pay. We offer special credit terms such as Zero interest for 36 months!
Other Payment Methods
Of course, Peters accepts VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, and AMERICAN EXPRESS cards as a down payment on an in-store installment sale or for the complete total of the merchandise selected.
You will find very courteous folks in our credit department. Any one of them will be happy to explain the various plans that we offer...no obligation, of course. So visit our store, make a selection and our credit team will be happy to work out a payment plan just for you.